- For Abdominal Pain: Burn a piece of the root of vacha till charred. Mix with a little castor (or coconut) oil and apply over the lower abdomen.
- For Cough: Boil 1/4 tsp each of the powders of the roots of calamus and liquorice in 2 glasses of water. Cool and sip 4 tbsp two to three times a day. (Note: 1 tsp honey can be added.)
- For Dandruff and Hair Loss: Mix 1 tsp powdered root in 2 tbsp cold coconut milk and make a paste. Apply on the affected parts and allow it to remain for 1/2 hour before rinsing it
- For Diarrhea and Dysentery: Take 2-3 pinches of the root powder with honey every morning on an empty stomach.
- For Ear Disorder Grind equal quantities of the roots of the drumstick tree, calamus and garlic and warm in some gingelly oil. When bearably warm, drench in cotton and use as ear drops.
- For Fever: Boil 1/4 tsp each of the powders of the roots of calamus and liquorice in 2 glasses of water. Cool and sip 4 tbsp two to three times a day. (Note: 1 tsp honey can be added.)
- For Head Ache: Apply a paste of calamus root on the affected areas
- For Indigestion: Powder equal quantities of calamus root, pippali, black pepper, dried ginger, rind of chebulic myrobalan and rock-salt and store. Take 1/4 tsp of this mixture with 1 teacup warm water or 1 tsp honey.
- Joint Pains: Apply a paste of calamus root on the affected areas.
Other article on Sweet Flag