The benefits of Harad are immense. The tree of deciduous Haritaki or Harar or Harad as it’s known in Hindi grows at an altitude of 1,800 meters. The long ovate leaves are acute, in opposite pairs about 10 to 20 cm long. Each fruit has a single seed that is light yellow in color. The tree grows in almost all places in India. It is known as haritaki, abhaya and pathya in Sanskrit; harad in Hindi; hirada in Marathi; alalekaayi in Kannada; kadukkai in Tamil; horitoky in Bengali; xilikha in Assamese and karakkaya in Telugu. Other popular names are Black Myrobalan, Chebulic Myrobalan, Hardh, Ink Tree, Harar, Hardad, and Indian Gall Nut. Its Botanical name is Terminalia chebula/Coleus forskohlii
Haritaki; is termed as the mother of human beings. As a mother never does bad for her progeny similarly Haritaki never does bad for health of a fellow.
Haritaki benefits a fellow in all aspects. Haritaki improves the working of digestive system, rejuvenates each and every part of the body; cleanse out the unnecessary wastes from the body; acts as a nervine tonic and improves eye sight. It is said about Haritaki that there is no disease which cannot be cured by Haritaki.
Haritaki is told to be used in all seasons with different carriers (Anupan) and it will maintain the health in all seasons• Haritaki has laxative, rejuvenative, purgative, astringent and dry properties.
• The paste of its fruit is effective in reducing swelling, hastening the healing process and cleansing the wounds and ulcers.
• Haritaki is combined with sunthi powder and given with hot water to lighten asthma and hiccups.
• The paste gives relief to the eyelids, in case of conjunctivitis.
• Gargling with haritaki decoction helps in stomatitis, oral ulcers and sore throat.
• It serves as a good astringent for loose gums, bleeding and ulceration in gums.
• The herb is used in preparing ‘Triphala’ that is used for hair wash, brush teeth in pyorrhea and treat bleeding gums. Even only Haritaki powder used as a tooth powder strengthens the gums.
• The herb improves memory and is salutary in dysuria and urinary stones.
• Regular consumption of haritaki powder, fried in ghee, promotes longevity and boosts energy.
• It responds well to gastrointestinal ailments, tumors, ascites, piles, enlargement of liver-spleen, worms and colitis.
• Powdered haritaki, mixed with jaggery, works well in gout.
• Its powder, when mixed with honey and ghee, is an effective remedy for anemia.
• Its decoction, when taken along with honey, is of great help in hepatitis and obesity.
• It is a good nervine and helps in nervous weakness and nervous irritability and promotes the receiving power of the five senses.
• Since it is anti-inflammatory and astringent, it is helpful in urethral discharges like spermatorrhea and vaginal discharges like leucorrhea.
• Roasted Haritaki can be given in tridosha diseases.
• Haritaki is useful in weakness of the nerves and brain as well as in vata disorders and diminished vision.
• Haritaki is useful in loss of appetite, pain in abdomen, constipation, ascites, heamorroids, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly and parasites.
• Haritaki relieves constipation in chronic abdominal diseases.
• Haritaki bark if eaten after chewing it properly in the mouth, improves diestion.
• Rhinitis, cough, hoarseness of voice, hiccups and dyspnoea are relieved by Haritaki as it reduces conjection.
• Haritaki is useful in erysipelas and other skin disorders, Haritaki prevents accumulation of pus in skin disease and act as rasayana.
• Haritaki and oil is extremely helpful in healing of wounds.
• Haritaki local application is anti inflammatory.
• In conjunctivitis, Haritaki can be used for application on the eyelids. I personally use Harad powder and belive me its really awesome. You can use triphala also in which Harad is one of the constituent.
You can purchase harad online here
Haritaki fruit powder: 3-6 gms daily
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