Most people believe acne to be
the bane of adolescence, but it can also happen to adults, even those who went
through their teens blemish-free. In teenagers acne may plague otherwise
healthy kids and so is considered an acute condition. However, Ayurveda considered
it to be a sign of unbalanced pitta dosha which need to be balanced.
What are Acne's signs?
Acne are - red, inflamed
pimples, whiteheads, blackheads-occur when oil glands produce too much oil
(sebum) or oil that contains ama, the toxic byproducts of poorly digested foods
such as junk food or if you don’t chew your food properly or eat too much.
Bacteria on the skin interact with the sebum and cause abscesses to
form-inflammation and plugging up of the hair follicles near the glands.
Infection may set in which can eventually cause scars.
a person with acne can cure
it by following a simple regime like not eating too spicy and oily food, avoid
junk foods and carbonated drinks, drink lots of water all day long and follow the below home remedies.
Some home remedies for acne
1) Turmeric is antibiotic and
antibacterial. Form a paste of 1/4 teaspoon turmeric powder with a little
water; carefully apply to blemished with a cotton swab- be careful with your
clothes as turmeric will stain clothes.
2) You can also wash your face in
the morning using Besan (chickpea powder) mixed with water to make a paste;
apply to your skin like a lotion and
rub gently before rinsing off.
rub gently before rinsing off.
3) Apply a light coating of Neem
oil before retiring to bed.
4) Practice Lion pose. This yoga
is very beneficial as it improves blood circulation of the face and also other
benefits. Always practice this asana in the morning empty stomach.
- Steps to do Lion Pose:
- First of all knee down on the ground and put the weight of the body on calves, knees and heels with the toes pointing back.
- Head and spine should be kept erect with the knees around 6 to 12 inches apart.
- On the knees, press your palms with the fingers extended straight. This is the Thunderbolt Posture/Vajrasana.
- Open your mouth completely and breathe out through nose and mouth.
- At the same time, extend tongue comfortably out of the mouth bending it in the direction of chin.
- Hold the breathe by keeping the abdomen pulled in. Then extend your eyes, bare your teeth and stretch the facial muscles.
- Stay in this pose for around 10 seconds or your breakpoint.
Also, purify the blood impurities
with teaspoon juice of Neem leaves in the morning. If you can't bear its bitter
taste you can take capsules readily available in the market. Another important
herb to purify blood is Manjistha(rubia cordifolium). Manjishtha purifies the
blood and is very useful in all blood originating diseases like skin diseases,
bleeding tendencies etc. Manjishtha also improves complexion of skin and
functioning of liver. Take 1/2 teaspoon of manjistha(rubia cordifolium) with
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I think Apple cider vinegar & lemon works for acne.thanks for your valuable home remedies